Sunday, August 17, 2008


This is the first entry of the WATS blog so I'm going to start it off with a bang.

On this blog you can talk about theater, movies, lights, sound, anything that pertains to acting or tec theater. This blog was created for the sole purpose of chatting with people like you.

Alright, first topic. Name some of your favorite plays. Why are they your favorite? What is it about them that makes them stand out? Are they Happy, Sad, Comedic, Tragic? Also if you were to take part in one of these plays, what would your role be?


Anonymous said...

hey guys!


Kayzar said...

Hey hows it going?

Think of me X?

Kayzar said...

I saw a lot of cool shows at international. The Deviners is now one of my favorite plays. Not only did I like the script but the show was performed very well.
I think one of my favorite musicals would be Jekyll and Hyde the Musical. The songs are really cool. I think I would want to be J and H, but if I didn't get that part I would want to be in the chorus. (They have the coolest songs.)

Anonymous said...

its going goooood. Am I the only one thats posted anything so far?

(x_think_of_me_x is my username for livejournal...and i'm too lazy to make an account here anywho...XD)

Kayzar said...

What's with the X's?

Anonymous said...

the username think_of_me was already taken. and i reallllly wanted that name. Livejournal is a bit different than blogspot and myspace. you put in a username and you cant change it.

why is your username kayzar?

huh huh?
*pokes and prods*

Sir Mocha said...

this is my blogg. so now i wont use the openID nonsense anymore.
how's that?

I still dont have any monologues memorized.

I'm a terrible person

Josiah said...

i like the background, looks cool! what kind of things do you like about plays? do you like just acting or do you try to write or direct or anything like that?

Kayzar said...

I try to write and I am going to be heading a one act soon.

Kayzar said...

An thats totally cool you'know Nicole. At least you're on here. Now we need to convince everyone else to get on here.

I'm not going to tell you what Kayzar means.

B.J. said...

Umm are all of those ppl other then Josiah from woodcreek ???

Sir Mocha said...

awwww.....why not?

*puppy eyes*

you knooooooow you want to tell me.


Kayzar said...

Don't give me the puppy eyes.

Sir Mocha said...

RachAEL said...

does this have any application to saul being theater-obsessed? hmm??

B.J. said...

Hey dude I like the back round its cool!!! IDk why I haven't said the before though.

M-16 said...

Dude, Kayzar, i luv The Diviners too. Dat play wuz da shit! Da only 1 i eva cried to. I'd like to be da special guy. Dat'd be cool.

Kayzar said...

Yah that show (almost) made me cry. It pulled all the heartstings.

Lady Mew said...

AAAAAAW!!!!!!! it made yu cry Brady??? it must hav been really powerful 888)

but thatz kute how it made yu cry and pulled at yur heartstringz...wutever thoze ar... "^-^"

<3 for everywun!!!!!!! "^.^"